
Our Beliefs

An early Christian pastor once wrote, “in essential things, unity, in debated things, liberty, and in all things, charity.”

In regard to essential things we believe the basic tenets of the Christian faith as spelled out in the Apostle’s Creed and the Nicene Creed.

In regards to debated things we hold many distinctive beliefs which define us as an Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church.

We are a Biblical Church that believes in the inerrant and sufficient Scriptures as our only rule of faith and practice, able to make us wise unto salvation and useful for teaching, correcting, rebuking and training us as disciples.

We are a Reformed Church which believes that grace flows necessarily out of God’s sovereignty.  Grace is the work of God alone.  Man’s free-will is a faculty God employs, but saving grace depends upon the work of the Spirit powerfully renewing man’s will to accept God’s gracious offer of salvation.

We are an Evangelical Church which believes that the we are called to “preach the gospel to every creature under heaven” ( Mark 16:15) as Christ’s ambassadors as though God were making His appeal through us to implore men to be reconciled to God through faith in Jesus Christ. (2 Corinthians 5:19-20). God’s sovereign choice is one of the “secret things” which we cannot know. Therefore we preach the gospel earnestly and urgently.

We are a Presbyterian Church which believes that God has called men to be Elders to provide spiritual oversight, instruction, counsel and encouragement to the Church. The word Presbyterian comes from the ancient Greek word for ‘elder.’   Our church’s elders exercise care for the families in our congregation under the authority of other elders from several neighboring states. This larger group of elders is called a Presbytery.

We are a Connectional Church.   We are under the authority of the Mississippi Valley Presbytery and the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Synod. Through these connections, we work with other churches in North America and across the world to spread the gospel to every creature under heaven.

We are a Confessional Church.  Our basic doctrines are expressed by the Westminster Confession of Faith and its Larger and Shorter Catechisms. This confession and its catechisms summarizes what we believe the Bible teaches in regard to key doctrines. We do not hold them to be inerrant or infallible, but we do believe that they accurately express the central truths of the Christian faith.


Our History


Est. 1998

The idea for Gum Tree Presbyterian Church began in the summer of 1996 in Tupelo, Mississippi when two families whose desire was to be involved in a conservative, evangelical, reformed, Presbyterian congregation decided together to transform this idea into a reality.  Since then, we have seen God display his goodness in providing: a growing congregation, resources, and a place to worship as a church family.

The group held its first service in a Chic-Fil-A restaurant in Tupelo on August 4, 1996.  Services continued at that location for approximately one year and, during that time, average attendance grew to 20.  The growing size of the new fellowship encouraged the group to pray for God’s guidance in seeking a more suitable place of worship.

By God’s provision, a small house in Tupelo became available.  The group worked together to remodel the building.  The group met at this location for the first time on September 9, 1997.  During the next year the average attendance grew to 32.  On September 6, 1998, the group voted to become a particular church and to receive 8 charter members.  Shortly after the vote, the church met with ARP Synod Outreach North America Director Jim Corbitt and the Mississippi Valley Presbytery’s Outreach North America Committee to discuss becoming an ARP church.  On November 22, 1998 the church voted unanimously to seek membership in the ARP.

Due to space limitations, the newly formed Gum Tree Presbyterian Church began earnestly praying for God’s guidance and provision in finding a more adequate facility for serving Him.  God provided a building to rent near Barnes Crossing mall and the church began meeting there in January 2005.  By God’s grace, several members were added in 2005 and the body continued to grow.

The church once again sought God’s provision of a permanent location to gather for worship.  A former Baptist church on South Thomas Street in Tupelo was being sold at that time.  In God’s goodness, He provided this location for Gum Tree.  The congregation voted unanimously to purchase the building and 3 ½  acres of land on March 30, 2008.  God not only provided the location, he also provided the financing through the Baptist Mission.  He is truly a great and loving God!  The first services were held in the new building on Sunday, May 4, 2008.

God continues to provide visitors to worship with us and adds to our church membership as He chooses.  As he does, He also provides for the body what each member supplies—gifts of: teaching, helps, mercy, administration, hospitality, shepherding, discipleship, etc.  Gum Tree has approximately 100 communing members and 25 non-communing children.  The average Sunday morning attendance is about 95.  The Wednesday night activities attract a group that ranges in size from 40-80 from week to week.

We praise God for His faithful provisions, His mercy, His grace, and His love.  To Him belongs all honor and praise!